In Memory

Norman Goldberg, founder of the National Adoption Foundation, recently passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. With family and friends at bedside Norman died feeling the love of those so close to him as well as the love from all the families he helped to make possible.

Norman founded the National Adoption Foundation in 1994 after experiencing difficulties encountered during the adoption process. Fortunately, he had the financial means to deal with the high costs and financial risks associated with adoptions. It was then that he realized there must be so many families wanting to adopt but without the means to do so. That’s when Norman decided to start a foundation with its mission being to provide financial assistance to those needing financial support to initiate the adoption process.

Since its founding the National Adoption Foundation has provided financial assistance in the form of grant money to approximately six thousand families throughout the United States helping to cover the high cost of adoption. Most recently, Norman, along with his team, worked diligently in developing a working partnership with Citizens Bank, a major financial lending institution, to provide low cost unsecured loans to help families meet the many costs associated with adopting. In just over a year since its establishment this loan program has approved and disbursed over two million dollars in loans. Norman also forged a partnership between the National Adoption Foundation and Adopt Directly, a web based platform helping to bring together families looking to adopt a child with birth mothers looking to place their new born child with a warm and loving family. Norman’s efforts were recognized by the U.S. Congress with the Foundation being bestowed the “Congressional Angels in Adoption Award.”

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Norm was a true renaissance man. He was an accomplished athlete playing baseball in high school and fulfilling a childhood dream of trying out for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Later, he developed what would turn out to be a life long passion for horses that led him to become an accomplished and recognized polo player in the United States. After his successful career as an entrepreneur – his last business venture being a hotel / dude ranch in upstate New York – he retired to devote his time and passion to the adoption community.

Norman is survived by several children and grandchildren with his adoptive daughter, Danielle, taking over the his responsibilities at the Foundation. It is Danielle’s goal to build on her father’s legacy of providing financial assistance to those in need by growing the Foundation’s presence in social media formats.

Norman touched and inspired so many with his kindness, big heart and warm smile. He will be missed dearly by all of us who were fortunate to have been touched by him.

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